
Group: DynoMotion Message: 6879 From: chrismd500 Date: 3/5/2013
Subject: Restoring positions after disconnect

I want to be able to restore the last position of the axes after kflop have been disconnected. Now it resets the positions to zero. Is there a simpler way to do this than writing the positions to a file (and reading the positions from the file when initialized)?
Group: DynoMotion Message: 6880 From: TK Date: 3/5/2013
Subject: Re: Restoring positions after disconnect
Hi Kris,

If you don't lose power to KFLOP then they should be retained. Otherwise you would need to do something like write/read them from a file. 



On Mar 5, 2013, at 9:44 AM, "chrismd500" <kristoffer.jensen@...> wrote:



I want to be able to restore the last position of the axes after kflop have been disconnected. Now it resets the positions to zero. Is there a simpler way to do this than writing the positions to a file (and reading the positions from the file when initialized)?

Group: DynoMotion Message: 6882 From: chrismd500 Date: 3/5/2013
Subject: Re: Restoring positions after disconnect

Yeah I meant after the kflop was powered off. Ok, I just wanted to make sure there wasn't already a simpler way of doing it ;)


--- In DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, TK <tk@...> wrote:
> Hi Kris,
> If you don't lose power to KFLOP then they should be retained. Otherwise you would need to do something like write/read them from a file.
> Regards
> TK
> On Mar 5, 2013, at 9:44 AM, "chrismd500" <kristoffer.jensen@...> wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I want to be able to restore the last position of the axes after kflop have been disconnected. Now it resets the positions to zero. Is there a simpler way to do this than writing the positions to a file (and reading the positions from the file when initialized)?
> >
> >